
A simple ONCE-A-DAY application of Healthy Nails Rx kills nail fungus quickly, easily, efficiently, to give you healthy nails and happy feet.

We GUARANTEE it or your Money back.


Free from the pain, embarrassment, disfigurement and the very real danger of permanent nail loss.

Start using Healthy Nails Rx now and take the risk of losing your nails permanently out of your life forever. Order Healthy Nails Rx ESA Spray Today with the Instant Savings Discount Form!

Healthy Nails Rx ESA Spray Details:

    Apply 2-3 drops UNDER and ON the affected nails, using the enclosed blunt tipped applicator or upside down spray bottle. Use twice a day for a minimum of three weeks to see results.

    It is recommended that this process be done after showering, when nails are softest and the product can more easily penetrate.

    We recommend an application before bedtime as the product will be undisturbed while you sleep.

    Trim off the diseased portion of your nail as new, healthy nail grows out. Eventually, you will have only healthy nails showing. This could take a number of weeks, depending upon the growth rate of your nails. That’s all there is to it.

    Healthy Nails Rx – Travel Solutions Application (ESA)

    Our ESA spray gives you protection of Virus, Athletes Foot, Bacteria, Fungus, and Cracked Heels. Use TSA at Airport Checkpoints, Hotel Rooms, Hotel Bathrooms, Gymnasiums, Spas, Nail Salons, and everywhere you travel, anywhere you go.

    ESA Spray stops nails from being contaminated by fungus spores on your shoes, gloves, socks, hosiery, hands, fingers, feet, toes and nails.

    Promotes healthy nails PLUS it reconditions dry brittle skin and nails. ESA spray has rich moisturizers to prevent cracked heels.

This is your protection against cross Contamination and re-Contamination of your nails. Spray all items that come into contact with your nails, fingers, feet and toes with Healthy Nails Rx ESA to avoid exposure to live spores that may infect you. This includes your shoes (spray inside before and after wearing), Nail files, emery boards, clippers, etc.

Never borrow or lend footwear without using Healthy Nails Rx ESA. Always wash socks and hosiery after each use (including athletic socks).